
发布时间:2021年06月29日 08:49  浏览次数:[] 来源:太阳集团tyc539  

1. Lina Jia, Can Deng, Lili Wang, Xuelian Zang, and Xiaocheng Wang (2020). The Modulation of Stimulus Familiarity on the Repetition Effect in Duration Judgment. Front. Psychol. 11:1181. (SSCI,一作); 2. Xiaocheng Wang, Lina Jia*, and Yuanying Jin (2020). Reading Amount and Reading Strategy as Mediators of the Effects of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Reading Motivation on Reading Achievement. Front. Psychol. 11. (SSCI,通讯) ; 3. 王晓诚,贾丽娜*,金元英 (2020). 家庭社会经济地位对初中生阅读成就的影响:阅读动机和阅读活动的中介作用. 心理与行为研究. 6: 839-845. (CSSCI,通讯); 4. Lina Jia, Zhuanghua Shi (2017). Duration compression induced by visual and phonological repetition of Chinese characters . Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 79(7): 2224-2232 (SSCI,一作); 5. 贾丽娜,谭丙华,王丽丽(2017). “具身+智慧”视域下的高校思想政治教育优化策略.学校党建与思想教育. (8):73-74 (CSSCI,一作); 6. 贾丽娜,田良臣,王靖,马志强,周倩 (2016). 具身教学的设计研究̶ 基于身体参与的多通道整合视角. 远程教育杂志. 1:82-89 (CSSCI,一作); 7. Lili Wang, Chunliang Wang, Xiaoqin Mai, Lina Jia, Xiangru Zhu, Wenbo Luo, and Yuejia Luo (2016). The Impact of Perceptual Load on the Non-conscious Processing of Fearful Faces. PLoS ONE 11(5): e0154914.(SCI); 8. Lina Jia, Zhuanghua Shi, Xuelian Zang, and Müller Hermann (2015). Watching a real moving object expands tactile duration: The role of task-irrelevant action context for subjective time. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics.77(8):2768-2780 (SSCI,一作); 9. Lina Jia, Zhuanghua Shi, and Wenfeng Feng (2015). Wearing weighted backpack dilates subjective visual duration: the role of functional linkage between weight experience and visual timing. Frontiers in Psychology. 6:1373.(SSCI,一作);
